Sunday, January 16, 2005

Day 14 Worship and Pretoria

16 January 2005

Dear Blog,

The trip is over halfway over and none have lost a limb
So I thought I'd spice things up a bit with this little poem

At half past seven, leaving behind no one
We met our affiliate at the nearest Engen Station

After several resolutions, we hurried up to wait
Not wanting to be at church too early or too late

The Mamelodi Church exercised our heart, soul, mind, and strength
All in three languages and in quite a reasonable length

The hospital was next, but thankfully not for need
Our friends at church gave an unforgettable tour indeed

Next stop was church headquarters to learn how money?s spent
Finally to the Union Buildings, a major player in government

When all was done we went back home and some went in the pool
A nice time of relaxation in the breezy cool

The nighttime proved more presentations and a time for thought
We are certain to come home with much more than what we brought

New resolutions and higher goals to aspire:
Never-ending knowledge, inspiring passion, and a ceaseless desire

For the people of South Africa, it is plain to see
Pressed with poverty, crime, injustice, and disease

I ask you to fold your hands, bow your head, and pray
(Other than that-Hi Mom, I'm OK!)


Posted by Wes Hoekman on 01/16 at 12:44 PM
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