Blue Sky

Accra had a long, strong thunderstorm yesterday morning, and it cleared the air! The dust is gone, and we had a stunning sunrise. It was possible to see to the ridge, and we had blue skies all day.

Not that I was able to enjoy it. The Calvin car has several needs, including additional wheel nuts (some are off), a new antenna, new wiper blades, a new muffler, at least two new tires, a suspension rattle, and re-doing the finish (peeling paint). I was drafted to work on these improvements, so I took the car to CFAO motors for service. Of the entire list and for spending about three-quarters of the working day in the waiting room, I accomplished only ONE THING: new wiper blades. CFAO doesn’t do tires, mufflers, or body work on site. And, they had no replacement antennae or wheel nuts in stock. (6–8 weeks for delivery!)

Well try again tomorrow!
