Day One for Mark

At this point, we’re all craving routine. We have none. There is no “normal.”

Because our backup car didn’t arrive last night, Mark, Catherine, and I took a taxi to bring Mark to his first day of school at Roman Ridge. We left the flat at 6:30 AM. (Ouch!) Later, he said it was a “great first day.” He LOVED the fried rice at lunch. Catherine and I were invited to watch the Day One assembly. At the end of the day, he was chatting with several new friends.

After our time at Roman Ridge, Catherine and I took another taxi to International Community School. While Catherine took her easy placement test, I completed the paperwork for admission. We had a nice interview with the principal, Mrs. Owusu. Catherine’s first day is tomorrow.

Catherine and I spent a bit of time repairing one of the beds in the kids room using nails from C.K.

The backup car arrived today, but not without problems. It died while Stephanie was driving from Akropong to campus. When I went to look at it, the electrical system was not functional. A look under the bonnet (hood) revealed that the battery is not secured to the frame of the vehicle. It had moved such that one of the leads (on the left) is nearly worn through. Moving the battery slightly allows current to flow and the engine to turn over, but it does not start. Looks like this is not a “solution” to our car problem. Our plan is to take taxis to the schools again tomorrow.

On the eve of Catherine’s first day of school, Tracy has departed for Akropong with the interim students. She’ll be away for the next three weeks.

As I said, we have no routine, and we need one badly. Will it ever come?
