Finding Friends

Well, that didn’t take long! By the time Tracy, Catherine, and I walked to our flat from the Guest Centre, Mark had chatted to several of the porters and the onsite seamstress at Commonwealth residence hall. He learned about the history of the university and other things. Later, we sent him on a mission to buy some liquid refreshment. He found Dr. Richard (a medical student) who led him to a small shop. He came back with a large bottle of water and a Fanta. (Orange, of course.)

The family living in the flat above us has four kids, and one of their girls (Mamme Serwaa) is 9 years old. Catherine brought Lego upstairs and spent much of the afternoon playing. Mamme Serwaa insisted several times that Catherine’s hair was once black. Below, a photo of new friends playing on the balcony.


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