
Catherine, Mark, and Tracy just left our flat, headed for the Cape Town airport and the long trip home. Of course, more piles were created.

Mark was excited to see his friends. Catherine was in tears about leaving without me. Tracy was apprehensive about three plane rides with the kids. But Catherine has a new game on her iPod (Parking Simulator 2), Mark has a new book, and Tracy has plenty to read. I trust they’ll be fine.

It’s very quiet now.


Update: Not so quiet any more! I got a frantic call from Tracy at 8:30 PM. The immigration office needed my permission for the kids to leave the country with her and without me. (Concerns about child trafficking are the cause.)

So, I crafted a letter stating my consent, printed to .pdf, added an electronic signature (thanks to Apple’s Preview app), attached a photo of my passport and driving license, and emailed. To a gmail address! That’s right: immigration uses gmail for its operations! Really?

Tracy took the my letter to immigration control and, ultimately, the South African Police Service. At 9:12 PM, she texted the following: “Got it. I think we're all set. It seems like we cant leave an African country without visiting the police and tusseling with immigration. Arrgh!”

As their departure is 11 PM, there is plenty of time to spare. I guess thats why its important to arrive early for a flight.